Dumpshock.com Logo Contest!

July 20th, 2005

Our current logo (as seen in the Dumpshock Forums) has served us well over the years, but it’s time to move on. With this in mind, we’re having a logo contest. Bragging rights and a copy of Shadowrun 4 are yours for the taking if you win the contest. Check out this thread for more details.

Ex Machina review at BoingBoing.net

April 4th, 2005

This doesn’t have much to do with Shadowrun, but it does have to do with a nicely favourable review of cyberpunk RPG Ex Machina from Guardians of Order, who were my employers from 2002 until late 2004. I didn’t have much to do with Ex Machina — some light editing and suggestions — but regular Shadowrun contributor Michelle Lyons wrote Daedalus, one of the four original cyberpunk settings in Ex Machina.

FanPro posts first SR4 Development Blog

March 21st, 2005

The first Shadowrun Fourth Edition Development Blog from SR Line Developer Rob Boyle has been posted to ShadowrunRPG.com — read about old rulebooks, the current metaplot, playtesting, and just how badly FanPro wants your body.

Shadowrun 4 Announced for Gencon Release!

March 15th, 2005

FanPro announced Shadowrun 4 today at the GAMA trade show. We’ve created a new forum to discuss it.

Experience the Sixth World as you’ve never seen it before!

If you think you’ve played Shadowrun® before ­think again!

In August 2005, Shadowrun gets a new edition for the 21st century ­and beyond! The Fourth Edition of this highly successful cyberpunk-fantasy game still has the same high-tech, low-life mix of man, magic and machine that has made Shadowrun one of the top-selling roleplaying games of all time, along with many new features:

  • The core mechanics are completely revised to be simpler and more streamlined for quicker, easier and more consistent play.
  • Matrix 2.0! An all-new level of wireless “augmented reality�? overlays the real world, unleashing hackers to be mobile digital wizards.
  • The year is 2070 ­five years since the System Failure took down the old Matrix, nine years since the passing of the comet unleashed wild and unexplained magic in the world. The Sixth World has changed. Some of the players are familiar, but there are new faces­and new forces­at work in the shadows.
  • Complete rules and world information in one volume ­playable the day you buy the book!

With an all-new graphic look and streamlined rules, Shadowrun is still the game you love ­only better! Humans, dwarfs, elves, orks and trolls use bleeding-edge technology and magic to survive the mean streets of tomorrow, while sprawl-dwelling shadowrunners dart their way through a dystopian future ruled by megacorporations.

Donation drive completed!

March 10th, 2005

We’re done! Thanks to the generosity of the Dumpshock community we have reached (and exceeded) our $1500.00 goal. We will be ordering our new server within the next day or so and want to take the opportunity to thank everyone for your continued support.

More Dumpshock sites back online!

February 26th, 2005

More of the Dumpshock.com content has finally been restored. I just finished brining up the following sites:

If you are the owner of one of these sites and you need access to transfer files to them, contact Mark or Adam and we’ll get you set back up.

Hardware Fund Donation Drive

February 17th, 2005

A donation drive is now underway to fund the purchase of an additional server to host the Dumpshock.com sites.

If you would like to help out with a donation via Paypal, please click on the “Make a Donation” button in the sidebar to the right. If you would prefer to mail us a check, please contact us at donations@dumpshock.com.

More discussion on the donation drive is taking place on the Dumpshock Forums.

New Front Page

February 6th, 2005

If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard “Man, we need to get around to turning the front page of Dumpshock into a blog”, I’d have quite a few nickels.

This is kind of temporary; eventually we want to build something with more features and more visual appeal, but I’m sure we all think this is preferable to a white page with some links. Those links, BTW, are over on your right, to all the Dumpshock sites that are currently up, and to the Dumpshock Matrix sites.

In the future we’ll be posting to the front page more often; about site updates, Shadowrun news from FanPro, WizKids, and other sources as relevant, and “Shadowrun in the real world” posts.

Right now, this is still very much “beta”, but we’re working on it…

FanPro Offers PDFs Through DriveThruRPG.com and BattleCorps.com

February 6th, 2005

FanPro LLC is embracing the digital age! We are happy to announce that we’ve entered into an agreement with both DriveThruRPG.com and BattleCorps.com to offer our Classic BattleTech and Shadowrun roleplaying game products as electronic PDF downloads. Both new releases and out of print books will be available within minutes online at any time, day or night. You’ll never have trouble locating our products again! Check out the e-books available at these sites right now.

DriveThruRPG.com is an e-book site dedicated to offering the past, present and future of RPG’s in digital format. What iTunes is for music, DriveThruRPG.com is for roleplaying games. It’s a virtual gaming superstore with products from most of top RPG publishers, from current releases to the classic games that bring us back to the “good old days.”

BattleCorps.com is the premiere on-line fiction source for Classic BattleTech. Developed by InMediaRes Productions LLC to actively support the Classic BattleTech community, their Battleshop offers everything from poster maps to PDF sourcebooks, miniatures to software, and is the one-stop-shop for any fan of the BattleTech/MechWarrior universe. Their subscription-based services also take the BattleTech experience to a whole new level, featuring a stable of authors from national best sellers to great new talent, new art, unique product previews, faction specific message boards and moderated chats with authors and developers.

FanPro LLC is the publisher of the highly successful Classic BattleTech wargame and Shadowrun fantasy-cyberpunk roleplaying game, both licensed from WizKids, Inc.